Downloading the new operating system of the Golden Age blueprint
Connecting to the wisdom of the ancient civilization of Mu, Inca Civilization, the Children of the Sun. This great civilization that lived a Golden Age to its apex.
This guided meditation, energetic transmission and galactic initiation has been recorded during the new galactic cycle of 12,000 years. Downloading and upgrading your DNA with the new operating system of the Golden Age blueprint .
It balances your emotional field, stabilizes and grounds more light into our body, and anchors more parts of your Soul. Increasing a sense of peace and harmony. It also prepares your body to open the energetic channels, clear all blockages that prevent you to receive this new encodement.
It also opens and synchronizes your heart with your mind in a more coherent state that will allow you to have a deeper connection with your Higher Self, receive more divinely inspired messages in your daily life, and create more powerful manifestations.
Tapping into your akashic records to bring back things that you mastered in other lifetimes.
Connecting to the first ancient civilization of Mu and receiving its ancient wisdom and teachings from the Inca Civilization, the Children of the Sun. Opening the records within yourself from this Era, receiving downloads and upgrading to unity consciousness.
This energetic transmission is quite powerful and it brings many changes that require some time to integrate. Recommended to listen to the guided meditation several times and allow the integration being gentle with yourself.