Activation: Healing the Feminine Energy Within.

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We also recommend you " Healing the Divine Masculine Within" to balance polarities

This meditation includes a transmission of healing energies to liberate the conditioning system, limitations, emotional wounding, blocks related to the masculine energy through the Piscean Age.  

Liberating  from all those emotional wounds  and  out of balance experiences from many lifetimes,  will allow you to access greater expansion, more wisdom, more clarity, and  increase your faith in the infinite possibilities  you have to achieve  your dreams.

You will experience a deeper sense of peace, stability, Presence, you will feel more grounded and stable, you will feel more confident in following your inner guidance and being able to open your heart to communicate your own truth. 



This meditation is a transmission of healing energies to release conditioning patterns and limitations, emotional wounds and blockages related to the masculine energy experienced during the Age of Pisces.

This transmission is done during powerful astrological alignments coupled with powerful energetic timing between eclipses creating a "Wormhole". During this alignment, you can access greater expansion, more wisdom, more clarity, and more faith in the infinite possibilities to access your dreams, yet first is needed to do a deep work of releasing what is blocking this ability to access amazing potentials available for you.



Have a great surrender for what life offers you, be in full Presence, take fully conscious action, express from the heart, act from integrity.

Liberating all those emotional wounds  coming from many lifetimes of being out of balance,  will allow you to access greater expansion, more wisdom, more clarity, and  increase your faith in the infinite possibilities  you have to achieve  your dreams.

You will experience a deeper sense of peace, stability and Presence. You will feel more grounded and stable, you will feel more confident in following your inner guidance , and you'll be  able to open even more your heart to communicate your own truth. 


  • Releasing emotions and judgments related to the masculine energy of the entire Age of Pisces
  • Healing not expressing one's own truth
  • Releasing the blockage between expectations of the unconscious collective and one's own needs
  • Unlocking the ability to communicate
  • Releasing control and manipulation
  • Releasing defense, security and survival mechanisms
  • Opening to the masculine energies of the new Age, the conscious energy connected to the heart and love
  • Healing of the consciousness of lack, limitation, the healing of living in survival mode. The new masculine energy plays the role of security together with love, the energies of lack are transmuted, healed, released


EUR 88

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We also recommend you " The Union of Polarities: Connecting to your inmortal nature"



If deeper excavation work has been done, the astrological alignments will enhance this unity within you . You'll  start to be able to transcend the limiting perspective of the individual self and go beyond limitation to experience the vastness of the Divine Self. 

After doing the internal work of healing and liberation of both energies  healing masculine and feminine energy, there comes the time to unite polarities, balance of opposites, harmony in the widest aspect, opening  your awareness to new levels of consciousness, experiencing being one with Wholeness, feeling complete , understanding that everything that you are looking for lies within you. 

You have an incredible opportunity to bring into balance both energies, and bring them back into its full potency to then experience Unity, experience wholeness, experience oneness  with all things, experience the vastness of your unlimited self. 

This transmission has different levels of vibration in which you'll receive according from the place you connect to. The more you dive into the transmission and activation, the deeper you'll access to higher levels to reveal your inner light. 

Connecting to Ascended Love, so you can have new possibilities to see the inner light , connecting to your heart opens your third eye to have visionary dreams. Only when your heart is open is when the Divine Mind and Divine Visions start to shine through.  This is a great moment for revelations. 



Connect to your inmortal nature beyond time and space, and see beyond the lens of time. Open to receive through intuition to release attachments that bound you to the limited self. 


EUR 88

Order summary

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Activation: Healing the Feminine Energy Within.

The feminine energy has the capacity to create. It's your creativity, your capacity to open to love, to flow with life. It is the aspect within you that is nourishing, and charming. It has the capacity to receive and a deep sense of intuition. It receives inspired action from the Divine. It has a deep sense of compassion for others. 

You have an incredible opportunity to realign the feminine energy aspects out of balance and bring them back to their full power.


Go within and see if there's any conflict with the feminine energy.  If you didn’t feel loved, or you didn't receive the affection and nourishment you needed, if you felt abandoned. 

Analyze if it's hard for you to take action or you need others to push you in order to take action or if you need other people's opinions because you feel insecure.  

Discern if you give your power to other people or situations, if other people's opinions and decisions are first before your needs and desires,  if there's no alignment between what you want and what you do. 

Observe if you are hypersensitive, if outer situations affect you too much. If you feel all the energies that surround you and it overwhelms you. If you receive information from higher fields of consciousness and there's chaos in your inner world because there's no structure. If you're not grounded.  If your energy is scattered. 

Or if your creativity is blocked, your mind controls everything, you're not able to receive, to create, to imagine. 



You have an incredible opportunity to realign the feminine energy aspects out of balance and bring them back to their full power.

Reconnect with unconditional love that dissolve all judgements and resentments, the same love that that holds life itself and brings you back  to a state of neutrality, balance and peace.

Unlock your creativity, your ability to receive, your capacity to flow with life effortlessly, reclaim your power to create. Build confidence in life and create healthy relationships. 

Enhance abundance and become a magnet to attract your most wild dreams. 

EUR 55
Total due EUR 55

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