The Cosmic Opening Meditation and Transmission

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the cosmic opening

The Cosmic Opening Meditation and Transmission

 The Solar Portal on December 21st  

This meditation allows you to connect and receive the Cosmic frequencies coming from the Great Central Sun and from the black hole in the middle of the cluster of Galaxies called Laniakea broadcasting and transmitting very high frequencies to the Earth through the Crystalline Grid.

When you receive this broadcast and you open to receive that connection, it creates a massive upgrade in your physical body and it will allow to restore balance and harmony, merging your mind and heart to experience oneness.

This transmission connects you with the Great Attractor, the Primordial Source, returning back to the zero point, pure consciousness and Source of Unconditional love. 

When you expand your heart in love and hold that frequency of love for a period of time, there’s no space for disharmony. The immense power of people meditating together can create incredible results for Humanity. The  energy gathered from the collective in meditation that day, in one same direction and purpose, can create a big shift  not only in your personal life but also in the collective consciousness of humanity to  bring in more peace and balance. 

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