The Descent of the Divine into the physical form

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the descent of the divine landing

The Descent of the Divine into the physical form

Receive 12 sacred initiations, opening the seals of the krystic spiral to activate the Divine Human Blueprint, embody more parts of your Soul, expand your light quotient and to prepare your body for a more crystalline structure.  

The seals of your chakras  will be activated into the new template to expand your light body in which the body can absorb more light. This will allow you to activate the different organs of your body and even change the way your body is able to function, becoming more efficient, healthy and even preventing aging. 

This sacred initiations will allow you to rearrange your genetic signature, unlock genetic potentials, activate the energy in your cellular matrix and uplift many veils so you can be able to see beyond the veils of limitation to transcend lower tendencies, programs of duality, to illuminate the soul and to embody this enlightenment in your physical vehicle.  This is also called the descent of Spirit into form. The Embodiment of the Divine Self in the physical form.  

These initiations will have a permanent effect increasing your vibration, expanding your consciousness, improving health and your physical body, increasing your spiritual power, increasing your magnetism that will attract incredibles synchronicities in your life, expanding your higher extra sensory perceptions and much more. 

The heart and the mind coming together as one is also related to the teachings of the Kryst Consciousness, unifying polarities, unifying masculine and feminine energies, to then become whole, unite and One.


  • 12 Initiations of the soul opening the seals of the krystic spiral to activate the Divine Human.
  • Activating the krystic seals.
  • Balance of polarities. Sacred union of masculine and feminine.
  • Return of the holy trinity, the principle of Divinity, with the golden frequencies of Horus
  • Embody the Divinity in the physical body
  • 3 strand DNA activation
  • Receiving of the frequencies of the Cosmic Mother and Divine Love
  • Activating the ancient wisdom and knowledge of the ancient civilization of Egypt
  • Activation of the planetary crystalline network transmitting the new codes and information to humanity and  a deeper level for the ones that will be connected.



EUR 1,333
Total due EUR 1,333

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