The Crystalline Light body is the required evolutionary physical form that is utilized by a fifth dimensional Spirit and Soul and to ascend to higher dimensions of light.
The bodies have to assimilate so much new information that is being brought forward from the galaxy.
Huge waves of photonics light are coming in. Light carries information, and intelligence.
It is needed to reactivate the DNA to enable every cell of our body to hold more light as we move towards building the light body and crystalline plasma, it’s much easier to receive cosmic information and create evolutionary quantum leaps.
Prepare your energetic field and your body to hold more light as your body needs to recalibrate to receive the incoming higher frequencies.
In order to purify your mind, is necessary that you first balance your mind, and this means accessing deeper states of neutrality, and equanimity to then neutralize opposites.
We offer you a powerful transmission to balance all polarities, to balance mind and heart, to balance dissonance into harmony, to balance masculine and feminine.
In order to access deep purification of the mind, you first need to find balance in all aspects of life.
We also will be connecting with the Cosmic Akashic Records so then you will be able to connect with your soul's promises made to fulfill in this lifetime due to past karmas, something incomplete in other incarnations, unresolved themes that are showing up because it's time to complete them.
And finally, we also will be working with the crystalline grid, mother Earth, and the Sacred Elements.