Enter the spiral of planetary ascension

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This community aims to support you to deepen your connection with your soul, accelerate your spiritual growth, to evolve in all areas of your life, accelerate your transition to the different stages of evolution, access deep healings and karma liberation, find your connection with your Higher Self, connect with a community that have the same interests, desires, and that support you to live a life of growth and fulfillment. 

You'll receive guidance on how to heal your body and mind, how to manifest  more balanced and fulfilling relationships, how to life in the flow of abundance, how to find your life purpose, how to free from suffering and burdens from the past.

Deepen your connection with unconditional love, experience more harmony and balance, access expanded states of consciousness, access personal revelations and much more. 


  • Daily practices. 
  • Monthly teachings to deepen your connection with your soul, accelerate your spiritual growth, evolve in all areas of your life, accelerate your transition towards the new specie of the Divine Human.
  • Masterclass to go deeper into specific topics.
  • Monthly meditations with deep healing and energy transmissions.
  • Space for Q&A.
  • Energetic container to evolve in all areas of your life. 
  • Exclusively for Community members, you will have access to special discounts on all the trainings we offer that allow you to accelerate and work more deeply in the most specific areas of growth that you need.
  • All the content has the purpose to help you to evolve and to experience how to live in the Golden Age. 

EUR 222 per month

Order summary

the spiral of planetary ascension

Enter the spiral of planetary ascension

6 powerful transmissions and activations with energetic support to create a bridge for a quantum leap to the timeline of planetary ascension to experience abundance,  health, love, and harmony.  Access synchronicities and new potentials available to expand your abundance. Your will start magnetizing toward you people, synchronicities, opportunities, abundance, wealth, and all that you need to fulfill your destiny by entering the ascendant spiral to live on a new timeline.

Prepare your physical body and your light body for these higher frequencies that are coming into Earth.


1- DEEP LIBERATION OF KARMA  Liberate karma in an accelerated way from this lifetime, all lifetimes on Earth, your cosmic karma, and from all your family lineages you were part of.   

2- OPENING A STARGATE. ACTIVATE YOUR DIAMON LIGHT BODY AND RAINBOW BODY   Setting up powerful intentions of abundance, health, prosperity, and love for everybody. We are in powerful moments of grand manifestation and we will use these energies to accelerate your potential. Activating your diamond light body and your rainbow body are the highest frequencies you can access. 

3- EXPAND YOUR VISION BEYOND DUALITY AND YOUR PERSONALITY. to expand your consciousness beyond the veil of limitations, set aside your personality to see from a perspective of your Higher Self to be able to comprehend all that you chose to experience, to have a better comprehension of reality and all that is happening into your life. 

 4- RECEIVE THE KEYS TO REMEMBER TEACHINGS AND ANCESTRAL WISDOM FORM SIRIUS      You'll receive the keys to access this knowledge and higher ancestral wisdom. Sirius is specialized to prepare souls to incarnate on planet Earth. 

5- THE LION'S GATE 8/8. RECEIVE THE NEW CODEX OF LIFE.   The new codex will have been downloaded into your energy system, new information into your cells, and your bio-energetic field to be able to hold more light and allow you to accelerate your transition to higher dimensions of consciousness and a deep awakening in an accelerated way.

6- JUMPING TO THE TIMELINE OF PROSPERITY, ABUNDANCE, AND LOVE. Crystallizing all this expansion and integrating the light that you received.  Get ready to readjust in the new version of you. You'll enter a period of massive actualization, you'll need plenty of time in nature and allow yourself to rest to be able to activate the new operating system. We will connect to Gaia so those frequencies can be grounded and all that will be received in your energetic field so then it can be manifested into the material world.  

EUR 222
Total due EUR 222

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