A channeled message from Toth and the Council of Light for the Lion's Gate

timelines 2

This is Thoth with the Council of Light moving more into the forefront of this divine transmission. As we are approaching the set point of the Lion’s Gate, the door to access new timelines, the New Earth will be more present than ever before for the ones that are raising their vibration and preparing the way for others to follow, and these are the ones that will be pioneering this shift as leaders in consciousness showing a new way to create reality based on the Cosmic Laws to return back to harmony and balance this planet. 

The awakening of humanity is unprecedented. Everyone is invited to awaken from the dream and complete the game of the 3D reality, yet not everyone will be ready for this shift and this is important to know as some people around you won't get on board on this shift and you may experience some losses, separations and breaking bonds with people that are not in alignment anymore and this can create confusion for you. 

The grids of the Earth are almost repaired, the frequency of the cosmic dragon lines that carry the plasma waves coming straight from the center of the Cosmos with Source Energy, is affecting all sentient life on planet Earth, and it also affects the entire Solar system and Galaxy. 

The support that is being sent into the planet is for the graduation of the Earth into a new dimension of consciousness and vibration that will allow human beings to make the transition and evolution as species from Homo Sapiens into Homo Luminous, this means you will gradually transition as the light beings that you always have been, completing the experience of density and returning into your original design. 

This  process is incredibly beautiful. The metamorphosis of the human vessel will be transformed by raising your vibration cultivating more light quotient, increasing your capacity to love, and activating the golden body. This will be the key to prepare the physical body for major upgrades. The body will evolve becoming lighter, more etheric, and yet, becoming more powerful, prepared to hold and embody your True Essence of Unconditional Love, Ascended Power and Infinite Wisdom. 

This transition will allow every being to tap into their true potential, their gifts, their abilities, and also it will ignite the desire to serve others with their gifts. This is how life was always being programmed for, finding joy serving all life with one’s gifts. 

To make this shift, it is required to stop seeking to find joy and happiness through things, relationships and experiences in the external reality because the inner void that is inside of every being doesn't get filled with external resources. Looking for instant gratification with the external apparent happiness only derives to experience more suffering, dissatisfaction and sense of being incomplete. 

Once the soul makes the transition into higher frequencies, it becomes more mature. It has gone through the journey to dissolve the density and internal programming that prevents to experience this inner joy, it has connected with the internal light and has found the true joy within, the True Essence within, the true desire within.  When this shift begins, the soul wants to express its uniqueness and bring more life, more expansion to the Grand Design. 

This is when your life becomes fulfilled, with purpose. Abundance flows in all areas of your life because you are attuned to Source energy, the endless Source of energy that fulfills all needs in every moment even beyond your imagination. Blessings pour out from the Divine Source into your life constantly and heaven on Earth is experienced as constant blessings, miracles, and synchronicities. 

The Divine design has always been to bring the biggest blessings and miracles to all sentient life. Yet to really appreciate the miracles and blessings, the experience of the third dimension was needed for souls to learn from experiencing lack, separation, disconnection from the inner light, and then walk the path to remember the soul spark within to return to that light and complete the journey of self realization and liberation. 

Beloved souls, the ones that are incarnated on planet Earth are the bravest ones, the most courageous ones that chose to experience to live the dream of forgetfulness, that chose to experience suffering to then complete the game by choosing love and bring all the wisdom from the experience to all souls that never incarnated and all collective for they to learn from their experiences.  

Your graduation is upon hand. Your graduation is in the blink of an eye. Your graduation is happening now, with every choice, cultivating the light body, cultivating love and forgiveness, choosing to align to the highest timeline reality, choosing to go within and remember the divine spark that is your True Essence, remembering the light within and allow this light to shine again, allow the light to show you the path to return to Home, your divine origin in full sacred union with the endless Source of infinite Creation and abundance in all ways and forms. 

The extraordinary support that you are receiving constantly is beyond your imagination. We invite you to ask for intervention, ask for miracles, ask for all that you need to walk this path because all that you need is also seeking you, it is also ready to come to you. Yet, to be able to synchronize with all this, you need to stay open to receive, to release all self sabotage patterns of not being worthy to receive, to release all self-sabotage patterns of being afraid of having it all, to release all self sabotage patterns that if you become your best expression, you’ll be ostracized, or punished, or pushed down, or killed. 

With the level of light and high frequency that this planet already, we assure you, this is not going to happen. The programming that is in your subconscious mind needs to be released and to be healed, because these are conditionings from past experiences that are not being forgiven, processed, embraced and included into the whole that you are and prevent you to access your highest potential, your highest light and all that you are yearning for. 

The very moment you go within the emotions of past experiences, embrace them with gratitude and forgiveness, the moment you allow all your shadow to come into the surface and face it, instead of running away, the reward will be paid off ten thousand fold. The portal of infinite blessings will start to pour to you endlessly, and at that moment, you’ll start to wonder why it took to much for you to get there, you’ll question yourself why you were sabotaging your best life ever for so long, you’ll wonder how you could have accessed these blessings even before. And the answer is, ask for courage, face all fears, even the ones you don’t know you have. Do not allow your mind to sabotage your process. Do not allow you mind to control the journey. 

This is the mastery of your mind and your emotions. You are the Master, you are the one who must lead the way, the one who must be at the driving seat of your life. When you get to this point, life will never be the same. 

So, right now, embrace the process, take time for yourself to do the inner work. Inner work this equals self love, equals advancement, equals fast evolution, equals quantum leaps, equals accessing the New Earth, the Golden Age and equals experiencing the miracles and blessings faster and sooner. 

Listen to your intuition and inner guidance to know what’s the next step. How can you keep diving deeper into the crevices of your subconscious mind while acknowledging the light that you are harnessing? While acknowledging the evolution that is taking place within you?. 

Recognize yourself for all the efforts that you have done, all the inner cultivation, all the inner work. Apply gratitude for yourself, your beautiful body, and all beings that are helping you because this will increase the amount of miracles into your life. 

As each one of you that are doing the inner practice, that are celebrating, that are enjoying life, that are choosing to experience life as the miracle that it is in itself, you are shifting the frequency and vibration of the whole collective, and the easier it will be for every one else their process of ascension, self-realization and liberation. 

By focusing in your own process, releasing all density, all shadow, and increasing your light quotient, this is the way you can best help humanity, this is the way you can best help to build the New Paradigm, because when you are doing the inner work, you are removing density from the collective and you are lightening the frequency of the collective. This allows others to raise their frequency as well and you are co-creating the New Paradigm together even without being aware of it, even without being completely conscious of all that is happening into the quantum field where all of you are connected to and all of Creation is connected to. 

We bless you all, we are here to support you in all ways possible. Remember to ask for our intervention so that we can help you in best way possible in every moment. You have free will, only with your intention you can receive all the support that is available for you. 

With love and blessings to you all. 

Thoth and the Council of Light. 



Join us for these series of profound healing, activations, and upgrades that will allow you to experience a higher perspective, opening your vision to see the big picture, receive heart openings, get downloads, insights, expansion of joy and harmony, and be able to take big leaps in consciousness.  

 Profound healing and liberation in preparation for the bifurcation of timelines





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